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There is not. But there is CO-OP which is a online game mode only. and is like a mini campaign. But if you remmeber there was only one campaign on Battlefield Bad Company 2 until the Vietnam Add-on/Map pack.

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Q: Is there more than one campaign on Battlefield 3?
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Call of Duty or battlefield?

Definitley Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for campaign and Definitley COD 4 for online.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 definitely. If shooting the bad guys is your style, its for you. Its really good for online too. It has all sorts of awesome features COD4 doesnt have, like hiding behind walls, and customizing your character for both multiplayer and campaign. Its really fun and challenging. Its one of my favorite games, second only to Halo 3. Its by far the best tactical shooter out there. BUY IT!!

How do you play online on Battlefield 3 without multiplayer disc?

You can't. The multiplayer disc is the only one that allows you to connect to the network. Campaign disc is purely the campaign.

What is Battlefield 2?

Battlefield 2 is one of the best FPS games ever made. BF2 was released in 2004(?) by EA and was developed by DICE. It places you into a modern day battlefield to fight it out amongst three armies (MEC, USMC, China). With the expansions, this increases with the addition of a few more countries, maps and weapons. The PC version is entirely about skirmishes, with 64 player online. The console version is mainly about a campaign. The PC version does not feature a campaign.

Can you have more than one solo campaign in call of duty 4?

Unfortunately, no. Starting a new campaign or playing arcade mode to play a certain level will overwrite your current campaign.

Is battlefield 3 for xbox good?

Battlefield 3 comes very close to modern warfare, so if you like that series then you will prbably like battlefield 3. If you're looking for a good campaign, battlefield 3 has a very realistic story mode, and if you're looking for good multiplayer, battlefield 3 has one which contains a lot of unlocks, including many attachments for weapons. If you're question concerns whether xbox is the best or not, its hard to say, but xbox and ps3 have more or less the same features, and PC has much bigger games and more than the consoles, but may lag alot. Hope this helps.

What is better cod or battlefield?

They are both great games. I hate people who are only a fan of one of them. Battlefield is fun and team work based. The campaign in battlefield is cool too. With Call of Duty there is way more of them. In my opinion MW3 is better than BF3. But that's my opinion, but MW3 has survival, BF3 doesn't so there is a huge reason why i like MW3 more. I don't like the mp in BF, its not my style. Call of Duty is my style but still they are BOTH great games so don't argue about which ones better.

Which one is better mw3 or battlefield 3?

MW3 has sold more in the first day than Battlefield 3 will sell. It sold over 12 million just in the USA and UK in the first week.

Do you need more than one player to be able to play call of duty black ops?

no you could play the campaign one player

Whose presidential campaigns cost the most?

Every campaign costs more than the one before it. It believe that Obama spent more than McCain in 2008 because he raised more money.

How do you delete one of your characters on Battlefield Heros?

You cannot delete one of your heroes on Battlefield Heroes. Sadly you have to purchase more slots using battlefunds. Choose wisely!

Do you get to fight when you are a sergeant?

Yes. Any rank on the battlefield is "in the fight". But, as one of America's greatest Generals once said: "No one wants peace more than the guy who has to go fight for it".