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Q: Is there more water inside or outside body cells?
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Does cells goes inside your body or outside your body?

Your whole body, inside and outside, is made of cells.

Extracellular fluid is found everywhere in the body EXCEPT?

Extracellular is outside cells and intracellular is inside, so that extracellular fluid would not be inside cells.

What process occurs when you place a fresh water fish in salt water?

Besides interfering with oxygen transfer on its' gills the salt water will cause the cells of the fish to retain fluid making the pressure within the cells greater than the pressure outside the cells. Ideally the water a fish swims in will keep its' body in homeostasis where the pressure both inside and outside the cells of the body is equal.

Where is the extracellular fluid found in the body?

Extracellular is outside cells and intracellular is inside, so that extracellular fluid would not be inside cells.

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Flame cells are in planarians. They are specialized cells with beating tufts of cilia that draw water through pores to the outside of the worm's body.

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Where are cells in the world?

They are everywhere in the world like inside your body, outside of your body, plants, animals, air ..... everything in the world is cell

How is drinking water processed in the body?

Drinking water is very simply processed once inside of the human body. Drinking water is absorbed into the cells of the body.

Why are alpha radiation are more dangerous inside the body than outside the body?

Because in the body alpha particles interact directly with the organism cells.

What would happen to a person blood osmolality when drinking seawater?

When you drink seawater, a high concentration of salt finds its way into your blood vessels. As a result, you have a higher concentration of solutes (salt molecules, in this case) on the outside of your blood cells than in your blood cells-- there is a hypertonic solution on the outside of the blood cells. Your body wants to keep solutions isotonic across the membranes-- that means your body wants the same amount of free water molecules on the inside of the blood cells as the outside-- so water molecules move out of the blood cells in order to keep the balance of free water molecules. The water moving out of the blood cells cause them to "crenate," or shrink, which is of course not very good for your cells.

In planaria specialized cells with beating tufts of cilia that draw water through pores to the outside of the worm's body?

flame cells