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There is no star between the Earth and the Moon. The nearest star is the Sun, at 93,000,000 miles away, whereas the Moon is only about 239,000 miles away.

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Q: Is there only one star between the Earth and the Moon?
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Is the moon the only star that orbits the earth?

The moon is not a star it is a moon. A star is made of gas - the moon is solid But it is the only object to orbit the earth

Why aren't stars between Earth and the moon?

A star is too large to fit between the earth and the moon and/or so massive that it would tear apart the earth and moon before it got there. If there were a star between the earth and the moon, there would be nobody around to know it.

What is the difference between the moon earth and sun?

Earth is a Planet. Moon is a satalite. Sun is a meduim sized star.

Can please anybody help me with that the moon gets fuller each night and that star stays with her?

As the moon circles the Earth, the shape of the moon appears to change; this is because different amounts of the illuminated part of the moon are facing us. The shape varies from a full moon (when the Earth is between the sun and the moon) to a new moon (when the moon is between the sun and the Earth). The star only appear to be staying with the moon. They are millions of times more distant than the moon. This movement plus the rotation of the earth is what gives us this affect called "Proper Motion".

Is one star is between the earth and the moon?

No. The moon is the closest astronomical object to Earth. The closest star to Earth is the sun, which is about 400 times farther away than the moon. The next nearest star is more than 260,000 times farther away than the sun.

Is there a few stars between earth and the moon?

Our sun is a star so you tell me.

How are eclipses produced?

One celestial body shades another from the light of a star. For example, the moon comes between the sun and where you are on the earth; or the earth gets between the sun and the moon.

Does the earth orbit the planet?

No. Earth is a planet. It orbits the sun, which is a star.

Is moon astar?

No.:moon isnt a star...sun is a star...moon is a's satellite.

Is the moon the star closest to earth true or false?

false the moon is not a star

Is the north star closer to the earth than the moon?

No, the Moon is closer to the earth

Which is the nearest star the pole star or moon?

The moon is far closer to Earth than any star is.