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Q: Is there sales tax on labor in Boston MA?
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Sales Tax in Ma. 6.25%

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Do you pay sales tax on a car in MA if it was a gift?

There is no tax on a car given as a gift in MA.

Do you pay sales tax on a car from family in Ma?

There is no sales tax on car sale to a parent, spouse, child, brother, or sister in MA.

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Do you have to charge tax on furniture you deliver out of state from your PA store?

Not unless you have a "tax presence" in the state where the buyer is located. There is no national sales tax, so the receiver is responsible for paying his own state taxes when the furniture is delivered there, if furniture is taxable in that state. For example, you go from your residence in Boston, MA, and purchase furniture in "tax-free New Hampshire," which would be taxed at 5 percent in Massachusetts. The salesman collects no tax (as it is not due in NH) and the buyer must pay the MA sales tax directly to the state treasurer of MA. However, if the furniture store has a sales office (or warehouse) in MA, it must collect the sales tax from the MA resident, and send it to the MA treasurer, even if the furniture is shipped from "tax-free New Hampshire". If you WANT to charge sales tax for out-of-state sales, there is a growing union of merchants who rake off a percentage (with permission) from the state that would otherwise have to rely upon the morality and education of its citizens to pay sales taxes on things they bought someplace else.

How much is sales tax on used cars in ma?

Sales tax on ANY car in MA is 6.25 percent as of 2012, due within 10 days.

Is there sales tax in MA?

Yes. Last year it was changed from 5% to 6.25%. Two interesting tidbits, though: -MA has a "sales tax holiday" (usually in August) at least once a year -If you purchase something online and the company has no location in MA, you are not charged sales tax.

How much is ma state sales tax?


You live in NH but buying a car in Ma do you pay sales tax?

Yes, anyone buying a vehicle in MA must pay 6.25 percent sales tax in MA. You have 20 days in which to pay the tax and avoid penalties and interest.

When is MA tax free weekend?

MA sales tax free day for certain items is August 14 and 15 2010. You can find a list of items that are exempt from sales tax at the MASS gov website and use the search box for A Guide to Sales and Use Tax then choose Tax-Exempt Items