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Q: Is there something in the way of a Tasmanian devil attacking their prey?
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Why does the Tasmanian tiger hate the Tasmanian devil?

The Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) did not hate the Tasmanian devil. Tasmanian Devil and the Thylacine both occupied the top of the food chain, competing for live prey, until the Thylacine became extinct in 1936.

How is a fox a part of the Tasmanian devil's endangerment?

Foxes compete with Tasmanian devils for their food. Also, foxes have been known to prey on young, helpless Tasmanian devil joeys.

How fast can a Tasmanian go when its chasing prey?

The Tasmanian Devil's top speed is 24km/h (15mph)

How does the Tasmanian devil get its food?

The Tasmanian devil is a nocturnal hunter and a scavenger. It hunts live prey, but more often feeds on rhe carcasses of animals that are already dead.

What special adaptations has the Tasmanian devil developed to help it eat its prey?

It has strong jaws and claws that help it eat its prey.

What hunts the Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, and nothing hunts the adult creatures. Tasmanian devil joeys may be hunted by introduced creatures such as foxes and domestic dogs. Birds of prey such as falcons and goshawks may also take young devils.

Who hunts the Tasmanian Devil babies?

The main danger to Tasmanian devil joeys comes from introduced foxes and domestic dogs. Birds of prey such as falcons and goshawks may also take young devils.

Would a Tasmanian devil eat a badger?

Given that there are no badgers in Australia, the answer is "no". Badgers are also larger than Tasmanian devils, so if they did occupy he same country, there is a good chance a Tasmanian devil would avoid badgers. They would not, however, be averse to eating a dead badger, as Tasmanian devils feed on carrion, as well as hunt live prey.

What Feeds On Tasmanian Devil?

Because the Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, there are no predators of adult devils. Young joeys can be taken by birds of prey such as the wedge-tailed eagle, and introduced species such as foxes and feral cats.

What hunt Tasmanian devils?

The Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, and nothing hunts the adult creatures. Tasmanian devil joeys may be hunted by introduced creatures such as foxes and domestic dogs. Birds of Prey such as falcons and goshawks may also take young devils.

How has the Tasmanian devil's habitat been destroyed?

The Tasmanian devil's habitat has been destroyed mainly through logging and the spread of agriculture. Huge expanses of native bushland and forest are cleared for these purposes. Not only does this remove the Tasmanian devil's hiding places, it minimises the number of places for its prey to hide, thereby reducing food sources.

When does a Tasmanian devil eat?

The Tasmanian devil is both a hunter and a scavenger. A nocturnal creature, it is equipped with both an acute sense of smell and keen night vision in order to detect carrion and prey. As a term it has incredibly strong jaws that can easily crush and kill.