

Best Answer


Educational questions: You're already there. Wiki.Answers is the leading questions and answers site on the internet.

Social questions: Formspring is a popular website used to ask questions to people and friends all over the world.

Social questions and "diaries": Twitter is the leading social network which allows people to update their friends and "fans" about their daily activities as well as ask and answer questions.

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Q: Is there such thing as a website where you can ask other people questions?
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On questions answers do you make friends in this website thing?


Why doesnt anyone answer my questions on this website?

We Do Not Care That's not true, people do care, what a mean thing to say whoever you are, people sometimes just browse new questions, like me, if you make lots of new questions, if someone knows the answer thay will most likely answer it. :)

What is the website to ask Miley Cyrus questions and get responses instantly?

There is no such thing

Why are people putting dumb questions like 'What is so great about the name Bob' When this is a website for valid questions?

Y'know, I asked a supervisor about that once, and her response taught me a lesson."There's no such thing as a stupid question."

Why does nobody on this website answer your questions?

There are. There are plenty of people on this site who answer questions on this site. The thing is; there are not enough answerers for all the questions that come in. You'll see people on this site with thousands of answers that haven't even put a dent in all the questions on this site. Also many questions go unanswered when they are not categorized because at that point, they are put in the overflowing "uncategorized" category.

Why are people answering questions on this site when they could be doing something productive?

Because we have access to the internet during some boring classes. So instead of doing work or listening to your teacher's speech on behavior, you come to this website (The only thing not blocked) and you answers questions. It is completely addicting when you are bored and you wouldn't believe the funny, stupid, and smart questions asked. That is why I do this, but I don't know about other people's reasons.

What can one do on the website Aktuelle Bauzinsen?

There are a lot of thing in order for one to do on the website Aktuelle Bauzinse. However, most of people access into the website Aktuelle Bauzinsen in order to looking for other people for talking for example.

Why don't my questions get answers?

I'm wondering the same thing. It's because this website is crap. If you wanna get answers, ask people in person, or just e-mail

Why should you bother answering other people's questions if nobody bothers answering yours?

Because its a good thing to help others

How can you get more people to look at your website?

There are two thing related to this. One is marketing. You need to promote your website or your business to people. The other thing is that your website should be attractive enough, at least from the first sight. So you need expert on business and marketing to do the first job. And professional web designer to do the second job.

Where can I find phebotomy practice tests?

The website offers practice exams. They have a bank of questions you can use to help you prepare for the real thing. There are also many other websites which have similar test banks.

If you can change one thing what's it?

The idiotic questions people come up with!