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Q: Is there sugar in caffine
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Related questions

Does peanut butter have caffine?

No, but it probably has sugar.

Why does ginko and energy drinks only sometimes make you high?

They don't make you high. They are full of caffine, sugar and water mostly. What you experience is a spike in your blood sugar level and the caffine has an effect too.

What does Coca-Cola have inside?

Caffine, sugar and a whole heap of yum stuff Diet coke: even more caffine and a heap of yum stuff

What can make you stay awake at night?

Coffee, Soda, Sugar So caffine

Is coca cola zero sugar free?

I think so. It is either zero in sugar, or zero in caffeine. But i believe it is sugar that it is free of. :) but it is allso free of caffine

Is cool-aid caffeine free?

I am almost positive it is caffine-free, however it does contain a lot of sugar!

Does caffine raise blood sugar?

It would seem not as my MD has no problems with my drinking black coffee prior to coming in for blood tests.

What is the science behind sports drinks?

Caffine, sugar, and salts gives you energy and keeps your heart beating rapidly and stops dehydration.

Why do coke cubes melt faster than orange juice or gaterade?

becuz it has caffine and more sugar than the other 2

What causes people to have energy from drinking energy drink?

High caffine, high sugar and a lot of steriods!! OH and bull sperm

What are some of the bad stuff about coke?

it has caffine,its fizzy,it can give you cavities,makes you fat,makes it hard for you to grow,and it contains ALOT of sugar

What supplies us with a quick source of energy?

Sugar. It will give you a quick burst but will come back to make you very tired afterwards. Or caffine.