

Is there wars in Australia

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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There has only been one war in Australia and that was against Japan.

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16y ago

There is no war in Australia

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The major wars Australia has been involved in are the following:Boer WarWW1WW2Korean WarVietnam WarWar on Terror

Is Star Wars the clone wars out in au?

If you mean Australia then yes.

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Both of them.

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There has never been a civil war in Australia. There has been conflicts with the Indigenous community, but never a war. However, Australia has participated in wars such as World War 1 & 2, Vietnam, etc.

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Australia has not had a war. The country has been involved with other wars around the world, but Australia has not had a civil war.

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One day i expect

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Enemy aliens are people who came from other countried to Australia during the wars and they were classed as enemy aliens because they brought a threat to Australia during the wars

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Vandals?? What am I stealing? Why does Australia get involved with other countries wars?

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No. There hasn't been any wars in Australia so far (phew) unless you count the mini war when the white people took over Australia and the Aboriginals weren't happy blah blah blah

Were any wars fought over Australia?

No wars were fought over Australia. The British were quick to defend their new territory from the French, who withdrew completely peacably when confronted and persuaded to forgo any interests in Australia. The Dutch had no real interest in the continent, either.