

Is there zinc in ink

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Is there zinc in ink
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z-ink is how you pronounce zinc.

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Element in solders makeup printer's ink paints plastics and chainlink fencing?


Has more applicants than you might think from solders to make up printers ink paints plastic and fencing?

the answer is Zinc. because the last line in the riddle is "and yes, of course, the kitchen ____" meaning "sink" and sink rhymes with zinc.

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I think it's Zinc that has a tendency to leach out the ink. Stick with whatever your artist told you to use or use Tattoo Goo.

What rhymes with slink?

Mink, blink, think, pink, brink, drink, zinc, ink.

Has more applications than you than might think from solders to makeup to printers ink and fencing and yes of course the kitchen?

Zinc (:

What rhymes with dink?

blink, brink, clink, drink, ink, link, pink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, sync, think, wink, zinc,

Has more applications than you might think from solders to make-up to printers ink paints and plastics and fencing chain-link and yes of course the kitchen?


What rhymes with wink?

Pink link think, sink, kink, brink, drink, ink, shrink, blink, zinc, dink, hink, mink, clink, rink, interlink, stink

What ryhmes with pink that is really a word?

Think FinkKink PlinkLink RethinkSink PrinkInk RinkShrink UnlinkBrink UnthinkStink UplinkExtinct SwinkRinkDinkThinkMink (And yes, these ARE real words... I just)Ink (dont know what all of them mean...)DrinkTinkSlinkChinkClinkWinkthink,link,rink,blink,zinc,wink,sink :)Stink, skink, mink, rink, sink, and ink are just a few.

What is a good ad slogan for zinc?

Think zinc.Zinc is the way to think.