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Since it something that the Casualty is feeling it is a Symptom. Good luck on your Pre-Course Assessment Workbook ;)

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Q: Is this a sign or symptom if a casualty complains of pain?
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What is a sign and symptom of open chest wound?

pain, blood coming from the chest,

Can dull pelvic pain be an early pregnancy symptom?

Bad pain should be checked out but cramping can be a sign of pregnancy.

Is a sign objective?

Yes, a sign is objective. Examples are fever or proteinuria. A symptom is subjective. Examples are pain or stiffness.

Which of the followin is a sign and symptom of an open chest wound?

The first "sign" would probably be a hole with blood coming out of it. The first "symptom" would probably be the patient screaming in pain.

Is fever is a symptom or sign?

A symptom refers to a change in body function or sensation, like weakness or pain, as experienced by a patient and has to be reported by the patient. A fever is a sign because it can be measured and recorded.

Which term is used to describe evidence of disease such as pain that can be observed only by the patient?

Symptom. A symptom is a subjective manifestation of a disease and it is expressed by the patient. A sign is an objective manifestation and it is seen by the clinician.

Why renal pain is occurring during 30 weeks of pregnancy?

Kidney or renal pain is not a normal symptom of pregnancy and could be sign of an infection. Call your doctor!

Is symptom similar to a sign?

Yes. A symptom is a sign that there is some underlying cause - usually unwelcome - as a result of which the symptom occurs.

Is thigh pain a sign of pregnancy?

I have never heard of it being a sign of pregnancy. But all women are different. It is very unlikely to be a symptom though. But that being said if u have had unprotected sex and you have other signs of being pregnant or think that your thigh pain could be a sign, then take a hpt.

Is raised bilirubin a sign or a symptom?

Raised bilirubin is a symptom

What is a symptom that indicates the combined use of alcohol and narcotic pain?

Intensified sedation is a sign that indicates the ombined use of alcohol and narcotics.

Is pain in your left backside where my kidneys are located a symptom of pregnancy?

Lower back pain is a sign of pregnancy but pain in your kidney area is normally attributed to a kidney or bladder infection. You should go to your doctor to find out if you are pregnant or if there is another problem. Good luck!