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Q: Is this is a cause or effect the house smelled delicious nana spent all day baking cookies?
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Related questions

Does baking in different ovens effect chocolate chip cookies?

i affects by having different or specfific cooking or baking

What is the effect of white sugar on chocolate chip cookies?

Sugar helps the cookies taste sweeter and helped them spread out a little when baking.

In baking cookies what can you sustitute for baking soda?

You can substitute baking powder for baking soda in cookies, but keep in mind that the leavening effect may vary. Alternatively, you can use a combination of buttermilk, yogurt, or vinegar with baking powder to replace baking soda in your recipe.

Is leaving the cookies in the oven to long ancause or an affect?

It can be either. Leaving the cookies in the oven too long is the effect of forgetting that there are cookies baking. Leaving the cookies in the oven too long is also the cause of burnt cookies.

Why does baking soda effect cookies?

because it dtermines rather its going to be dry and hard or soft and abmle to melt in your mouth

How does heat effect cookies?

Higher heat plus shorter baking time can produce puffier, softer, chewier cookies (all other things being equal). Lower heat plus longer baking time can produce crisper, flatter cookies. The cookies will continue to cook from their internal heat for a short while after being removed from the oven.

What effect does baking have on food?

The effect that baking has on food is that it cooks it. Almost every type of food can be cooked through baking.

What happens when you mix solid baking soda and citric acid?

When solid baking soda and citric acid are mixed together, a chemical reaction occurs that produces carbon dioxide gas, water, and sodium citrate. This reaction is commonly used in baking to create a leavening effect in recipes such as cookies and cakes.

Does baking soda have any carcinogenic effect?

No, baking soda does not have a carcinogenic effect. There is research being done on baking soda as a aid in the treatment of certain cancers.

What effect does baking soda and baking powder have on cookies?

Depending on how much extra you put in, it may have little effect on the outcome. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a leavening agent and affects how much your cookies will rise. Its effectiveness, however, depends on the ratio of other ingredients in your recipe. A little extra may have little or no effect, where twice as much is likely to strongly affect the baked texture and taste of the cookie.If you've put in a teaspoon instead of a half-teaspoon, as an example, you could double the remaining ingredients in the recipe. You will have a much larger batch of cookies, but will be more assured that the taste and texture of the baked cookies will be as you expected. Depending on the type of cookie you are baking, you may be able to freeze the extra dough to bake at a later time with no additional work. (Note: Drop cookies are generally better frozen as 'drops' before placing in freezer storage container. When ready to bake, reduce the recipe's suggested temperature by 25 degrees and bake 3 - 7 minutes longer until tops of cookies are no longer glossy.)

How do honey effect on baking soda?

Honey is slightly acidic, while baking soda is basic. When combined in a recipe, they can react to produce carbon dioxide gas, which causes baked goods to rise. This reaction helps create a light and airy texture in baked goods like cakes and cookies.

What is the effect of using expired emplex?

cookies will expired