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Light energy is captured by the chloroplast, then, glucose is produced and then consumed, so it's a usable chemical energy available in the cell.

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Q: Is this sentence correct photosynthesis is the process of which plants sunlight into energy?
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Which process of photosynthesis turns sunlight into ATP?

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What is a SIMPLE sentence for photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis is the basis for practically all of the food chains on Earth.Chlorophyll, a green pigment in plants, is the primary chemical in photosynthesis."Plants carry out photosynthesis in order to survive."

Does sunlight cause photosynthesis?

It doesnt exactly trigger it, but sunlight is needed to complete the process Photosynthesis is powered up by light.It is very essential for photosynthesis

What is the name of the process-turning sunlight into glucose?

That process would be photosynthesis.

How does the process of photosynthesis help your lives?

sunlight yea

Process by which plants make food from sunlight?


The process by which a cell captures the energy in sunlight and uses it to make food is called?

This process is known as photosynthesis.