

Best Answer

it could be there are alot of symptom those are all some of them

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Q: Is throwing up tummy ache and diharria symptoms of preagnacy?
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the most common symptoms are tummy ache , and headache

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Sore breasts, lumps on nipples, tummy cramps

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i got bad back ache and pains in my tummy

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I had that happen, I had to get a D&E. I was told that it was a false pregnancy.

Why is your dog throwing up white foam and what do you need to do?

Your Dog probably just has a tummy ache, dogs do this time to time, might have gotten a bug a rock or ate grass. if it was rabies you would have known well before this as your dog would have gotten aggressive white foam is one of the very last symptoms of rabies.

If your dog has a hard tummy does that mean that she is having pups?

its one of the symptoms but doesnt really mean she is if you ever think she might be pregnant get her to a vet asap

What are the symptoms of a dairy allergy?

it is not only an upset tummy (lactose intolerance is NOT dairy allergy). it is hives, itchy skin, rashes, throwing up, and it's most severe reaction id death from throat swelling (called anaphylaxsis). this is why it's key to have an epipen nearby. this buys you 7 minutes to get to a hospital and administer stronger steroids or have the capability to overcome throat closing. a milder rash may just require benedryl.

What are some symptoms of dog pregnancy?

Some of the symptoms of a dog pregnancy are : Morning sickness (beggining) Enlargement of the nipples (beggining throuhg to end) Tummy getting harder and getting larger (middle) Change in normal behavoir (begginging)

Is there food in your tummy?

No food in my tummy yet but there will be soon.

What is plural for tummy?

Tummies is the plural for the noun tummy.

How does Leonardo DiCaprio take care of his tummy ache?

He takes 2 Tylenol or 2 Advil and lays down with a pillow under his tummy or a bag of hot water on his tummy. He gives himself a tummy rub.

What is wrong with your puppy if its tummy is bloated?

If your puppies tummy is bloated the most common reason is that it has worms. I myself have a Great Dane puppy that had a "bloated tummy" and the result was worms. There are medications the vet can give you to treat the worms, some cases are more serious than others. A serious case would include uncontrollable diarrhea and symptoms alike. ~ Hope I helped & hope your puppy gets feeling better. (: ~ From dograchie123