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Tidal energy exists whether anyone uses it or not. Asking whether it can harm sea life is rather pointless, as it has existed for at least hundreds of millions of years; sea life that can't deal with it died out long ago.

If you're asking if power plants based on tidal energy could hurt sea life... sure, it's possible. They can be designed to have as little impact as possible, but nothing is ever 100% safe. However, it's a tradeoff: the impact of tidal plants would almost certainly be less than, say, the British Petroleum oil well explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

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1w ago

Tidal energy is generally considered to be a safe and clean source of renewable energy with minimal environmental impact. However, there are potential concerns such as habitat disruption, changes in sedimentation, and effects on marine life that need to be carefully evaluated and managed during the development and operation of tidal energy projects.

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7y ago

There is some direct marine life issues as well as coast environmental impacts.

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No, it can't be said that tidal energy pollute the world.

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No, tidal energy emits no carbon dioxide pollution. It is a clean renewable energy.

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Q: Is tidal energy safe for the environment?
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What are the limitations of using tidal energy?

Some limitations of tidal energy include high installation and maintenance costs, limited suitable locations due to specific tidal patterns, potential environmental impacts on marine ecosystems, and the variability of tidal forces which can affect the consistency of energy generation.

How can tidal energy be conserved?

Tidal energy is a renewable source that can be conserved by using efficient tidal energy technologies, such as tidal stream turbines and barrages, to harness the energy from the moving tides. Implementing proper maintenance and monitoring of tidal energy infrastructure can also help in conserving tidal energy resources for long-term sustainability. Reducing energy losses during the conversion and transmission processes can further enhance the conservation of tidal energy.

What is the purpose of tidal energy?

The purpose of tidal energy is to harness the power of ocean tides to generate electricity in a renewable and sustainable manner. Tidal energy can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a cleaner energy mix.

Ways to conserve tidal energy?

To conserve tidal energy, we can harness it efficiently by using advanced tidal energy technologies like tidal stream generators. Additionally, implementing proper planning and management strategies can help maximize the utilization of tidal energy resources. Finally, raising awareness and promoting the benefits of tidal energy can encourage more widespread adoption and support for this renewable energy source.

Where the energy comes tidal energy?

Tidal energy is created by the gravitational forces of the moon and sun on the Earth's oceans, causing tides to rise and fall. This movement of water generates kinetic energy that can be harnessed and converted into electricity using tidal energy technologies such as tidal turbines or barrages.

Related questions

How does Tidal Energy affect the environment?

It doesnt have any affects on the environment

What are the positive affects tidal energy do for the environment?

tidal energy is good because it is a renewable source that doesn't pollute the environment. It is often used to make electricity.

What are the limitations of using tidal energy?

Some limitations of tidal energy include high installation and maintenance costs, limited suitable locations due to specific tidal patterns, potential environmental impacts on marine ecosystems, and the variability of tidal forces which can affect the consistency of energy generation.

What are the effect on environment because of non conventional energy?

Non-conventional energy sources like solar and wind power have lower carbon emissions compared to conventional sources like coal and oil, reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change. However, the manufacturing and disposal of materials for these technologies can contribute to environmental impacts, such as habitat disruption and waste generation. Overall, non-conventional energy sources have a net positive impact on the environment compared to traditional fossil fuels.

What is the history of tidal energy?

tidal energy is created by turbines that does make tidal power

Where does tidal energy be placed?

tidal energy is be placed in the sea

Good things about tidal?

The Good thing about tidal energy is that is a very clean for of energy. Tidal energy is also renewable. Tidal energy plants could be place along the coast.

Why do some environmental groups oppose tidal energy?

Environmental groups do not necessarily oppose use of tidal energy, but in some cases they oppose the location that is proposed to make use of the energy. The opposition is usually based on negative effects it would have on wildlife and the environment.

What is the purpose of tidal energy?

The purpose of tidal energy is to harness the power of ocean tides to generate electricity in a renewable and sustainable manner. Tidal energy can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a cleaner energy mix.

Is water energy tidal energy?

No.Water energy is a whale lot different than tidal energy.

What type of resources can tidal energy be put?

Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity. Tidal energy is a renewable energy source.

Tidal energy nonrenewable true or false?

True. Tidal energy is renewable energy source.