

Is to much salt water bad for plants?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Is to much salt water bad for plants?
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Why is salt water bad for farmland?

because if the salt gets into the soil the plants will die from the salt water being poisonous.

Is salt good for plants?

Salt is good for some plants and bad for other plants.

Does salt water affect the growth of seeds?

Yes, salt is bad for plants, enough of it kills plants, and can make it so nothing can ever grow in that soil again.

How is water bad for plants?

you can drown it if you put too much water

Will salt harm your plants?

yes it does because salt is of course it is too sour and it effects its stem and the roots but there are plants that are used to salt.

How is watering plants bad?

you can drown it if you put too much water

What is the difference in the effects of the growth of plants based on using salt water in one plant and tap water for the other plant for a time period of two weeks?

The salt water will die the plants bad nutrients and bad chemicals and it will kill the plant. The tap water chemicals will not affect the growth of the plant. It might not work as well as distilled water because there is chlorine in it but it is fine

Is eating salt bad for height?

Too much salt is bad for your blood pressure - it makes you retain water, too.

Are desalination plants good or bad for people?

good, they provide fresh water for people and the salt can the be used for other things.

How is fresh water different from ocean water?

Salt water has salt water in it and is bad for you, fresh water has no salt water in it and is good for you.

Is eating too much salt bad for you?

Yes because you will need to drink water to wash down all that salt and it will cause cravings for salt

Can vegetable plants get too much water?

Absolutely. Too much water is bad for plants. The leaves of an over-watered plant generally turn yellowish.