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THis could be possible

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Q: Is too much human population bad and if it is what should humans do about the population of humans?
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Are human and animal brains the same?

No, Humans brains are much more developed. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!

Food is harmful to man discuss?

Food is essential to human life and health. All humans should have access to a variety of foodstuffs that contain the vitamins and minerals essential for human health. But too much food is harmful to humans and every effort should be made to avoid the possibility of food impacting negatively on human health.

How much people are there?

The current world population is 7.9 billion as of March 2022 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer. The term "World Population" refers to the human population (the total number of humans currently living) of the world.

How much californium is in humans?

Any californium in the human body.

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helium is not found in humans

How much of the human population experiences brain freeze?

about 30% of the human population experiences brain freeze and 70% doesn't .

Is the pig the closest animal to a human?

In the book Animal Farm yes human and pig are very alike. The pigs act much like humans and do as humans do.

What do stabilizing selection and directional selection have in?

Aside from both being natural selection, not much. Let us use height in humans as our example.Stabilizing selection, the regression to the mean, keeps the height of humans pretty much with a normal distribution as the human environment is the whole earth. So humans are not too tall, or too short, generally ( pygmies excluded ), over all the human range and various environments.Now, with directional selection there would be a tendency for the human population to grow taller, or shorter over generations. We have seen this effect on humans in ancient times, Homo florensis, but in modern time stabilizing selection of human height, averaging out, is the norm.

Do human and platypus have relationships?

No. Platypuses avoid contact with humans as much as possible.

How much of the world's population is in Asia?

4,140,336,501 (60% of the world's current human population)

How much of the human population sleeps in their underwear?

not very many people.

How much of the world's water available for human use?

for a human. the human supply water usage is 3%. ONLY 3 PERCENT IS DRINKABLE TO HUMANS