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It can be either. "Tort" law refers to the broad category of "civil wrongs" as opposed to criminal offenses.

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Q: Is tort a damage or an injury?
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Can a tort exist if no injury?

No, a tort does not exist because there were no injury's and it must be proven.

What does toxic tort mean?

A toxic tort is a special type of personal injury lawsuit in which the plantiff claims that exposure to a chemical caused the plaintiff's toxic injury or disease.

What is the difference between an intentional tort and a negligent tort?

There is really only one main difference between and intentional tort and negligent tort. An intentional tort would be an injury caused by an intentional act by another. A negligent tort however, is one that is an accidental injury caused by negligence.

What does tort stand for?

Tort law is the segment of law that addresses cases involving civil wrongs. A tort is simply an injury.

What is the difference betueen intentional tort and negligent tort?

A tort of negligence-which most personal injury and civil law cases are based on-involves an injury or death caused by another person's negligence. An intentional tort is when an injury or death is caused by another person that knows what he/she is doing when it happens. In other words, it is an injury or death done intentionally rather than by accident.

What is a tort state? wrong or injury caused to a person or property remediable by civil action for damages

What is negligent tort?

Basically someone that causes an injury due to their own negligence. Here is the full definition:

What are some categories of Tort law?

There are three categories of Tort Law, intentional, negligence, and absolute liability. What Tort law is wrongful injury of someones property or a person.

What constitutes a tort?

A tort is an injury or civil wrong doing. In order to prove guilt in tort law, one must prove a series of things. The article below describes the elements of tort law and proving them. Torts are either torts of negligence or torts of intent. Basically the injury or death was intentional or unintentional.

Difference between tort and restitution?

A tort is a type of a lawsuit, such as the tort of negligence, or the tort of false imprisonment. Restitution is a type of damage remedy that can be awarded upon a finding of liability in a civil or criminal case. In Contract Law, Restitution is the damage remedy for assets or work conferred upon another party.

A criminal wrong is called a crime and a private wrong or injury is known as a?
