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Q: Is travel is difficult in Greece due its mountain ranges?
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What was the journey like for the Greeks?

Generally speaking, travel in Greece is difficult because of the numerous mountain ranges and expense of sea-travel.

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What are the two mountain ranges that made land difficult to travel?

Why is travel difficult in Mexico?

The three Sierra Madre (Occidental, Oriental and del Sur) mountain ranges difficult road movement in Mexico.

Difficult to travel by land in Greece?

Because the mountains

How did mountains affect the location of Greek settlements?

It divided Greece into different regions-travel and communication were difficult.

What landforms made travel difficult in ancient Greece?

by walking

What are the main obstacles of east-west travel in Mexico are?

The Sierra Madre mountain ranges.

What is one disadvantage of Greece's geography?

The mountains of Greece made it difficult to travel, it would take 2 days

Why was trade impossible in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece, there were many rules and laws which made trade difficult. Also, the mountains were difficult to traverse and there were not many rivers to travel on.

What mountain ranges did Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery travel over?

rocky mountains and cascade mountains

What did they travel on in ancient Greece?

Mainly, the sea. But also on primitive roads and trails through the mountain terrain.

What are two things that made travel difficult for early humans?

water and mountain