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Based on his past record, I do not think he can be elected, even if he is nominated, which also seems unlikely. He is not popular with Hispanics and Blacks. If he runs as an independent , he may win enough votes to throw the election to the Democratic candidate. However, no one can predict with certainty what could happen in the future.

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8y ago
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Lvl 4
3y ago

Yes, I would pick Trump. Because I don’t think Biden will be a great president. Also Biden wants to take away death penalty, shouldn’t criminals be punished by death if they murder another person? The person who got murdered never deserved to die. Biden wants to raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. I think that is too much, how will small businesses be able to afford to pay their employees that much?

Biden Wants to mandate masks, that is horrible, we should have the freedom to chose if we want to wear them or not. Plus mask contain your carbon dioxide well wearing them. And it contains all your bacteria from your mouth which can make you sick. We never wore masks for the flu.

I would like to hear your stance on this topic also.

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7y ago

NO, cuz Hillary has more votes


A different perspective

It is very possible that Donald Trump could win the Presidency.

Polls can be deceiving. Although polls seem to show that Hillary Clinton is in the lead, anonymous polling indicates that Trump has a huge lead. One of the apparent reasons for that is because the inclusive and tolerant Democrat supporters intimidate and attack Trump supporters. People are afraid to put Trump signs on their property because of vandalism and safety concerns. Look at the fellow who had a large Trump display in his own yard. Vandals burned it. So it could be for self-preservation that people say they are for Hillary, but the story can be very different once they get to the voting booth.


(Answer before GOP Convention)

With 15 months to go before the 2016 vote, no one can tell you what's going to happen. But with the largest audience in U.S. primary history watching the first Republican presidential debate, there is obviously interest in this election. And one thing is for sure: Trump is not going away, and millions of his supporters may stay with him to the bitter end. Many believe this is not a protest campaign but a winning campaign - and they like their man! The oldest rule in politics is: When your momentum catches up with your lack of organization, you're doomed to failure. Right now, Trump has the momentum. But will he build the organization to have staying power?




Maybe, Maybe not

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7y ago

As of this date, President-Elect Donald Trump is not yet President, so we will have to wait and see.

From his activities in filling his Cabinet, he does seem to be trying to keep his campaign promises. Hopefully, he will reign in the vast, burdensome and over-reaching federal regulations that citizens and businesses have to deal with. He is not anti-Immigration, but is fully aware of burden of the influx of those who arrive and stay illegally - and knows that needs to be addressed. He also knows that he cannot do everything on his own - except perhaps to reverse some Executive Orders. He will need the assistance of Congress.

He has a lot on his plate for his first one-hundred (hun'dread' for some?) days. It should be interesting. Stay informed and keep in touch with your Congressmen.

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8y ago

It has never been our policy to offer political predictions, nor to actively advocate for any candidate, and I won't break that tradition. What I will say is that only the voting public can make that decision. Mr. Trump has been a very controversial and very polarizing candidate thus far; he has made a number of statements that have been demonstrably false, and others that have evoked outrage, even from members of his own party. But on the other hand, he has also mobilized a large number of Republicans, especially working-class white voters, and he has been masterful at attracting continuous media attention. Whether the large crowds turning out to see him will also cast their vote for him still remains to be seen, but there is no denying he has been an exciting (and sometimes unpredictable) candidate thus far. But again, only the voting public can decide which candidate they want to lead the country, and only they can decide if Mr. Trump has the kind of temperament and the skill-set needed to be president.

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8y ago

He should be if he is legally elected. The people have the right to choose the president according to the method specified in the Constitution. Some people like him and some do not , which is not an uncommon situation with US presidents.

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7y ago

Donald Trump has not actually done anything as of December 2016 in his capacity as President, since he is not yet the President. To know if he is a good President, we need him to actually do things as President. At the moment, he seems to be more a Rorschach Test than any consistent worldview or action.

However, given the kind of person he portrayed himself to be during the campaign, I would be genuinely relieved if he does not ruin US Foreign Policy irreparably, does not preside over the creation a large reckless recession, does not destroy the EPA, and manages to put forward a reasonable solution to the immigration issue (that does not end with an absurd call to the Mexican government asking them to "foot the bill").

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8y ago

It is much too early to know. In order to win, he must first get the Republican nomination, and as I write this in late December of 2015, no primaries have taken place yet. Mr. Trump is certainly leading in many polls; but being a popular celebrity, or getting large crowds, or even leading in certain polls doesn't always mean that people will come out and vote for you when actual elections take place. So, at this point, only time will tell.

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8y ago

There is no way to predict that. At this point, he seems on track to win the Republican nomination; but keep in mind that during primaries, only the most active and the most ideological voters tend to come out to cast a ballot. In the general election, there are many more independents and moderates, as well as some conservative Republicans who are concerned about the direction he might take their party. Thus, it remains to be seen whether Mr. Trump will be regarded favorably by a more diverse group of voters. The general election voters may be skeptical of him and not see him as someone who is presidential-- as opposed to the current primary electorate, which is often comprised of voters who are his loyal fans and believe he can do no wrong.

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Lvl 3
3y ago

my answer is not because trump has been a racist, also a sexist, if so trump is just good at business.

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Yoga Do

Lvl 1
2y ago
H e was one of the best Presidents our Country has had,

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