

Is tylonel a drug

Updated: 11/16/2022
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12y ago

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Yes but if you see it at a rite aid ask a pharmasist for the side effects and Tylenol is up for a recall :)

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Q: Is tylonel a drug
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The contents are 300mg acetaminophen, 30mg codeine and 15mg caffeine. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol... So the answer your looking for would be 300mg.

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Over the counter: * Advil * Aspirin * Acetaminophen (Tylonel)

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You mean Tylenol? Yes. About 300 people die due to Tylenol overdose each year.

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Yes u can...but never good to take alot of tylonel...too much acetamhpine can be dangerous.

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They're basically the same type of drug - narcotic painkillers, synthetic opioids. However, Vicodin is hydrocodone and Percocet is oxycodone. Percocet is a stronger drug than Vicodin. It's not going to kill you if you take one of each back to back, if that's what you mean. Though, it is not recommended that you do so, because each contain aceteminophen (Tylonel) and excess aceteminophen is hard on your liver.

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