

Is urea soluble in acids

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is urea soluble in acids
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How does urea work?

The nitrogen found in urea is produced when the body breaks down proteins and amino acids and its liquid form is combined with ammonia and carbon dioxide to be used in fertilizers. The urea helps the soil to become water soluble and easy to mix fertilizer.

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Is urea soluble in ethanol?


Does urea can stand under soap and dishwater compounds?

Urea is soluble in water.

How do you remove excess urea in the body?

Urea is soluble in ethanol.

What is the organ that produces urea in our body?

The liver produces urea when it metabolises (breaks down) proteins. This is done in hepatocytes (liver cells). Amino acids are first broken down into ammonia, which is highly soluble and toxic in the blood plasma, so ammonia is joined with carbon dioxide to make urea, this is less soluble and less toxic but a build up of urea is toxic in the blood. Urea is then transported in the blood to be filtered out by the kidneys.

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Is amino acids soluble in water?

Some amino acids are very soluble in water, but many are not.

Are amino acids components of urea?

No, amino acids are not components of urea. Urea is a waste product that is formed from the breakdown of proteins in the liver. Amino acids, on the other hand, are the building blocks of proteins.

What kind of compound is urea?

Urea is an organic covalent solid soluble in water.

Does urea contain protein?

The molecular formula of the urea is NH2-CO-NH2. The proteins are long chain of many amino acids. Urea is formed out of metabolism ( break down) of the amino acids.