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I'm 90% sure that it is bad for your hair. it dries it out and your hair will become damaged. Also, about the hair changing color, i can only see it happening if you ere to go in chlorine within a week or so, othe rthan that you should be fine.

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Q: Is using peroxide bad for your hair and can it go the wrong colour?
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When do you use hydrogen peroxide in hair care?

Peroxide is bleach, you use it to strip hair of it's natural colour . Blonde and black hair go White after using

Can you dye your hair blond using peroxide?

Answer #1: You can, but it is damaging to the hair and makes it an unnatural color. Answer #2: Peroxide does not "dye" your hair, but rather it strips the colour from your hair, so it does become a blond colour and that is how you see people with white-blond hair. However it is always recommended to add a coloured dye (even blond) to the hair after applying the peroxide - this puts some nutrients back into the hair and protects it from breaking. If you use peroxide too often it could lead to hair damage and breakage.

Will peroxide work on red hair?

Yes. yuu can peroxide red hair and it will work normally. the way peroxide works is that it takes all of your natural colour and nutrience out of your hair which leaves it white.

How does hydrogen peroxide affect human hair?

Hydrogen peroxide goes through the cuticle (colourless outside layer of the hair) and into the cortex (inside of the hair, has colour) and causes a reaction like an explosion and the colour breaks down and comes out of the hair.

Will hydrogen peroxide open the hair shaft to increase hair dyeing effectiveness?

First, hydrogen peroxide you buy at the store is damaging for your hair. Second ,it is not the same as peroxide developer in hair dyes. Third, opening the hair shaft will make your color fade faster. Plus it could change the color of the dye you are putting on. The question was true. Yes hydrogen peroxide opens the cuticle of the hair to allow the dye to penetrate it. Peroxide is an alkaline substance with a base of about 9. It opens the cuticle so that the colour can be deposited in the hair. If you didn't use peroxide your colour wouldn't last long.

If you use hydrogen peroxide in hair can you get your regular color back?

As your hair grows your natural colour will grow with the regrowth.

Is there a hair dye that can be taken internally?

No there isn't. Because you are changing the colour outside you cannot ingest something to change the colour of your hair. A lot of hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide. It is alkaline and would poison you if you ingested it.

What happens when you put black hair in peroxide?

peroxide is a some what naturual hair bleach it can lightly strip the hair of colour and replace it it cant completely strip black so a brassy blonde or unnaturual orange will be left if you use it repeatedly it will go icey blonde but thats extremely damging for hair the overall colour result will be red to light orange

What colour was cleopatras hair colour?

Sorry If this is wrong, but I always thought that her wigs were black ?!

How does hair dye work?

Temporary dye: It lies on the outside of the hair, not changing the colour but looks like a change and it can be washed off straight away because of this. It has no peroxode in it. It doesn't cover gray effectively. Semi permanent dye: It also has no peroxide in it but it sits under the cuticle (the outside layer of the hair) and doesn't physically change the colour of the hair. It lasts 6-8 weeks. It doesn't cover gray effectively. Quasi permanent dye: It has a small amount of peroxide in it and it enters the cuticle and sits just inside it. Peroxide makes it swell and opens the cuticle of the hair. It changes the physical colour a little. It can last up to 24 weeks. It can cover gray. Permanent dye: It has more peroxide in it and it makes the colour go into the cortex (main part of the hair inside the cuticle). It takes the natural colour out and deposits the new colour in there. This is permanent so you have to wait for this colour to grow out to see your natural colour again. Will cover gray effectively. To see the internal structure of hair, to see the cuticle and cortex, check related links below.

Pink hair still pink after using 40 volume cream peroxide what to do next its been on for one hour and still pink?

Wash it over and over until it comes out. If this does not work, go to the hair salon and ask to have your hair dyed the colour you originally had or whatever you want it to be. Next time don't use volume 40, try 20 or 25. It doesn't matter about the peroxide. The reason it might not come out is because your hair is porous/damaged. It is common for colour to stick in your hair then. You can go to the salon and have them fix it for you but I think the only thing that you can do is dye over the pink.

Can you straighten your hair after coloring it?

no itl will damage your hair badly and could turn it a wrong colour