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peroxide is a some what naturual hair bleach it can lightly strip the hair of colour and replace it it cant completely strip black so a brassy blonde or unnaturual orange will be left if you use it repeatedly it will go icey blonde but thats extremely damging for hair the overall colour result will be red to light orange

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Q: What happens when you put black hair in peroxide?
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Will peroxide put blonde in my hair if it is brown?

Peroxide oxidizes your hair, turning all hair colors whiter.

Do you have to be in the sun when you put lemon juice or peroxide in your hair?

Yes for lemon juice, no for peroxide. I wouldn't recommend either though. Peroxide really damages your hair.

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It will turn your hair black red.

What happens if you put hair bleach in hair?

Putting bleach, or peroxide, in your hair, will cause it to become a lighter shade of whatever color it already is. They strip the color from your hair and leave it very rouch and horrible to the touch.

What happens if you put peroxide in your hair?

if you get peroxide in your hair it will change color. if your hair is blond it will turn silver if its brown it will turn red if its red it will turn blond if its black it will turn brownish red if its jet black it will turn grey

What happens when you put a apple in peroxide?

Little bubbles form around it...

Is it bad to put peroxide in your hair?

It can damage your hair, but it depends on how long you leave it in your hair or how much you do. Lemon juice is much safer.

What happens when you put a vegetable in peroxide?

Try it. The best way to learn is to try it yourself.

You have natural blonde hair but you died it black your hair is in really bad condition and you want to get it back to blonde what do you do?

People say just dye it over blonde. But this is the WRONG thing to do.I also have natural blonde hair and i died it black and i now want it bleach blonde.But what you have to do is grow the black out.What im going to do is dye my hair LIGHT BROWN and then grow it out so your roots arnt as noticable otherwise you will have black hair with blonde roots.So if you dye your hair light brown and then just grow it out.Keep washing every other night and then you will start to notice your hair will be softer and in better condition.I hope I have helped :)Honestly !!! - I put peroxide in my hair cause i wanted it blonde! - i let my hair grow for 5-6 months until i had a good root with the brown hair dye - i think bought peroxide bleach and colouring from Salon Services ( a professional hair care shop!) - my friend is a qualified hair stylist/colourer and dyed my hair for me ! it turned out orange in the first step towards making my hair go blonde! - so the next day i then put peroxide onto my ORANGE hair - and it was still orange - she then put a 20%peroxide CC toner into my hair to get rid of the brassy and uneven colour - but the blonde was a disaster - the following day i dyed it black from a botttleee - it is A MESSS!... i really honestly think you should leave your hair as it is ... or buy a very good leave in conditioner on your hair every single night before your bed! - not only was this a disaster - but my friend was upset as she was taking a risk in doing my hair ? PLUS - it was very painful with all the peroxide used on my scalp - i WOULD NEVER GO THROUGH IT AGAIN . seriously.

Can you put highlights in your hair without using bleach?

Aside from bleach, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to bleach hair.

How do you bleach your hair with benzoyl peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide to be more precise is essentially water with an extra Oxygen molecule. In a solution of about 3% Peroxide you can permanently and safely lighten hair. Use it in a squirt bottle to achieve the desired effect, sunlight also helps. Be careful not to use your Peroxide solution too often, for you risk drying your hair out. Keep hair healthy and moist, avoid swimming pools and water with loads of Chlorine.

What happens if you put an orange seed in hydrogen peroxide?

it helps the seed grow faster or enhancer