

Is vacuum a good conductor

Updated: 11/3/2022
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13y ago

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A good conducter of what?

A vaccum contains nothing, no gas, no matter, no sub-atomic particles so it cannot conduct anything.

But particles and waves can travel through it, like light or radio waves.

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Q: Is vacuum a good conductor
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Vacuum is a good radiation conductor, and on a good day, the sunshine feels warm. Air is less good, but still a fair conductor.

Can a vacuum is conductor or non conductor?

A vacuum is a non conductor.

How can vacuum be good conductor of heat?

There are three modes of conduction of heat :-1.conduction2. convection3. radiationheat flow through vacuum comes under heat flow through radiation. Im this case heat acts as an electromagnetic wave , as these waves can propagate through vacuum energy is transferred even though there is no contact between the source and the drain(sink/destination .... whatever).Note :- Actually we discussions pertaining to the matter weather vacuum is a good conductor or bad conductor are inappropriate as vacuum is not a material to discuss its properties, its just like asking give me a dozen of water(i am not intentionally sarcastic i just want to explain how weird it is to say that vacuum is a good conductor).

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A conductor is a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through. A few examples of conductors are:WaterMetalAir (although not a good conductor is still a conductor)graphiteSalts and solutions of saltsPlasma (ionized gas)Vacuum that contains free electrons or ions

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Something soundproof or near sound proof. A vacuum, for example.

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After the published tables the silica aerogel is a very good thermal insulator. A vacuum, as in devoid of any matter.