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No vampires do not exist. I'm saying only God exists.

Here's a little story.

There once was a man named Jonah. One day God called him to go to Ninava a tell people about God but Jonah didn't. Then, Jonah got on a boat and sailed in the exact opposite direction because he thought that he could escape God. But God knew where Jonah was and sent a storm which lasted for about 14 days. No one ate or drank. Jonah knew that the storm was his fault so he told the crew to throw him overboard. They pleaded that there must be a different way but Jonah refused. Then, they threw him overboard and immediately the storm stopped. Then God sent a big whale and it swallowed Jonah up. For 3 days, Jonah was in that fish and then, after 3 days, the fish spat him out onto the shore. Then, Jonah obeyed God and went to Ninava and preached about Jesus.

I know this story dosen't tell you much about vampires but you can get a lot more stories like this in the Holy Bible. You can go to any Christian book store and ask for a Bible. I really lie the stories and I hipe you will too!

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Q: Is vampire exist in earth
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Do vampire exist on earth?

No, vampires are fictional. They do not exist in real life - there is no one on earth who "has no reflection in a mirror".

Which place on earth there is vampire?

They are in the minds, literature and dreams of the people. But in real they donot exist.

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it is believed that vampires still exist, but mostly in bushland far from humans.

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It is impossible to see a vampire, as they do not exist.

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Vampire Earth was created in 2003.

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A: You cannot find the vampire, because vampires do not exist.

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You cannot. Vampires do not exist.

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