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No a fear of heights is called Acrophobia, Altophobia, Batophobia, Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia. Vertigo is a balance disorder that causes dizziness. It is often associated with heights but doesn't need to be.

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Q: Is vertigo a fear of heights?
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What do you call afraid of heights?

Vertigo. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Vertigo is dizziness.

What is the medical terminology for fear of heights?

What is medical terminology for fear of heights

Why do I get vertigo at the top of tall buildings?

acrophobia is name for fear of heights. that could lead to vertigo.

What is the name of phobia to heights?

The fear of heights is known as acrophobia.

Vertigo is the fear of what?

Vertigo is not a fear. Vertigo refers to a dizziness or loss of balance. It is a symptom of a disorder, but not the primary disorder.

What is one afraid of if they have acrophobia?

Acrophobia is the fear of heights, it is more often and wrongly referred to as vertigo. However, vertigo is generally a physical side effect, often dizziness, to someone's Acrophobia.

What is it when you are scared of heights?


Fear of heigths?


What is the fear of heights?

Acrophobia = Fear of heights

In Pretty woman what was Edward's fear?

Fear of heights.

Virtigo is a fear of what?

Vertigo is a fear of losing balance. It can also be refered as an illness instead of a fear.

What is the medical term meaning fear of heights?

Fear of heights is called acrophobia, altophobia, batophobia, hypsiphobia or hyposophobia. Vertigo is also used but it mostly means feeling of dizziness.Batophobia seems to refer more specifically to the fear of being near, or standing next to, tall objects. Aeroacrophobia is the fear of open high places.The technical term for an excessive fear of heights is acrophobia, although most experts wouldn't use the term much and would probably just say "height phobia."Phobia is the technical term for a fear that is excessive (out of proportion to the actual danger).