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Q: Is viral shedding contagious
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Are all bacterial infections non contagious and viral infections contagious?

Both bacterial infections and viral infections can be contagious or not contagious. Some viral infections are not spread from human to human or are only rarely spread that way. TB is a contagious bacterial infection.

Is viral atypical pneumonia contagious?

See related links. Known viral causes of atypical pneumonia are severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and measles. Both of these viral conditions are contagious.

Is hypothyroidism contagious?

Hypothyroidism is not viral or bacterial, nor is it contagious. It is a failure of the thyroid to secrete adequate hormones.

What is A highly contagious viral disease in dogs?

canine distemper

Are virial infections contagious?

Virus infections are contagious - like the flu, the common cold, viral pneumonia, and so on.

Is viral meningitis or enciphelitis contagious?

Meningitis (viral or bacterial) is infectious and can be highly contagious. Usually anyone in close contact with someone who gets bacterial meningitis will be given antibiotics as well.

Is a viral chest infection contagious?

It depends on what virus it is. Some viruses, like the West Nile virus, aren't contagious. Other viruses are contagious.Yes, viral infections are contagious. If you cough on somebody or kiss someone you could spread it.

What is it called when a disease is passed from person to person?

Communicable or Contagious.

I'm a bridesmaid tomorrow and have tonsillitis?

If it is strep you are contagious for 24 hours after you start antibiotics and are without a fever. If it is viral that is not as serious but you will be contagious for longer.

Is autoimmune hepatitis contagious?

There's nothing in the provided links that suggests that it's contagious.

Is the flu non infectious?

No, it is viral and is very contagious, from a couple of days before symptoms appear until about a week afterwards. It may be contagious longer for children.

What is chickenpox used for?

Chicken pox (varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease. It is not 'used' for anything.