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Q: Is visceral muscle multinucleated
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What is the syncytial arrangement of cardiac muscle fibers?

only skeletal muscle has a syncytial arrangement becausesyncytial means multinucleated and only skeletal muscle is multinucleated.

What type of tissue is multinucleated?

Skeletal muscle tissue.

Do multinucleated cells in human body exist execept skeletal muscle?

Yeah. Osteoclasts are multinucleated and they work in bone resorption. Hepatocytes and some WBC (neutrophils and eosinophils) are also multinucleated.

What is an example of a multinucleated organism?

Skeletal muscle cells and osteoclasts are multinucleated. Multinucleated cells can also be seen in the presence of some diseases, such as tuberculosis, but these cells are abnormal and usually die.

What is the rhythmic of the visceral muscle?

smooth muscle

What muscle tissue is multinucleated?

skeletal muscles

The only type of muscle with multinucleated fibers is?

Steven Hawking has no muscles.

What is the other name of visceral muscle?

Smooth Muscle

What is the rhythmic movement of the visceral muscle?

smooth muscle

What muscle is visceral muscle also?

single unit smooth muscle

What is the visceral muscle known as?

Muscles are made up of "excitable cells" which can contract. Visceral muscle is smooth muscle--one of three types of muscles in the body. Visceral muscle is found in the body in places like the arteries, bladder, the digestive tract and many other muscles which need to contract in order to perform their job.

The rhythmic movement of visceral muscle is called what?

smooth muscle