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yes ,vitamin c is good for joint pain .

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Q: Is vitamin c good for joint pain?
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Related questions

Describe the most significant effects of vitamin C deficiency?

It cause scurvy,hair and tooth loss,joint pain and swelling

What happens if you dont have vitamin c?

people who have low level of vitamin c may be more likely to have a heart attack. •People cannot live without vitamin C in their diet. People could catch a flu fast because their immune system will be really low.

Vitamin C is a synonym of?

Ascorbic acid. Recently found to be good for back pain --- a sore back acid ... thanks Dan!

Why are cauliflowers good good for you?

Because they are high in vitamin C and good in vitamin K

Why is vitamin c good for a dancer?

Not only for a dancer, the Vitamin C is good for everyone. It improves your immunity to diseases.

What ingredients are good sources of Vitamin C in a salad?

Tomatoes and lemons are good sources of Vitamin C. :D

What are the symptoms of not enough vitamin c?

Bleeding of gums, loss of hair, loose teeth, joint pains, pain in the bones, dry scaly skin and blood vessels. It eventually leads to scurvy.

Can vitiman c cause joint pain?

It depends on the particular arthritic problem you are talking about. the consumption of high doses of Vitamin C for people that have a weakness toward osteoarthritis is shown to increase the risk of Knee arthritis. However In the case of Rheumatoid arthritis it seems that the use of vitamin c is beneficial in avoiding inflammation damage that occurs in poliarthritis.

Vitamin C and A are important for good health. Which of these might your body store?

Vitamin A. Humans cannot store Vitamin C.

What vitamin does a watermelon give us?

certainly! vitamins- A, B, B6 and is high on potassium!

Are lemons a good source of vitamin c?

Yes lemons are a good source of vitaminc

What are good resources for vitamin c?

Some fruits that contain Vitamin C include:OrangesLemonsLimesGrapefruitCantaloupesMangoPapayasSome vegetables that contain Vitamin C include:Bean SproutsGreen PeppersBroccoliKale