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Q: Is warm water good for thorn tendons?
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Warm water =D

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Warm Ocean current is when the currents of cold and warm water pass paths. The warm water dominates the cold water causing a warm water current.

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Warm, humid condition with a good supply of water and nutrients!

Does warm water help cooks?

Kind of,.... if say your boiling water or defrosting something in water its good to use warm water so it speeds it up. Hope that helps!

What temperature is good to wash your car?

slightly warm water is good, with lots of soap

Is well water good for tropical fish tank?

no tropical fish need warm water

How many bottles of warm water should I drink?

Drinking a lot of water is just as hazardous to good health as not drinking enough. You don't state why you want to drink warm water?

Shaveing facial hair warm or cold water?

Warm. When you use warm water it opens up the pores and is a lot more gentle on those sensitive parts of the body. When you are done shaving however it is good to rinse with cool water.

What can you do for a rose thorn prick on your finger. It is sore and a little swollen?

Well first of all, you might want to clean it. Use soap and warm water. It may sting a little, but that's good. It means that the soap is killing the germs. If you want a better way of cleaning it, use peroxide. It will burn a lot but it will clean better. Then put some Neosporin and a band aid on it. If it gets infected you may want to call your doctor.

What is a good way to warm up your hands when your out in the snow . when you put warm water your hands hurt?

Put them under your arms.

Is warm water soak good for swelling feet from gout?

yes warm water mix with alot of salt.(4 table spoon of salt).this will relieve pain.

Is sea salt good for healing ear piercings?

With warm water, yeah.