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Some parts of a river's watershed may provide a steady flow replenished by groundwater or frequent rain, while other rivers receive water from their watershed region only during intense storms or from the melting of snow and glaciers each spring. A river which flows year-round with water from an abundant watershed is called a perennial river and a river flowing only during part of the year is called an ephemeral river.

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Q: Is water always abundant in a watershed region?
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How does a watershed work?

By gravity. Water always runs downhill.

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What is the definition to watershed?

: a region or area bounded peripherally by a divide and draining ultimately to a particular watercourse or body of water.

What is the. Interaction between surface water in a watershed?

Surface water collects in a watershed and seeps into ground

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Surface water collects in a watershed and seeps into the ground

How does water exit a watershed?

Via the mouth of the river into the sea. Also as a watershed just describes where surface water travels in the catchment water can infiltrate into the rock and travel into a different catchment / watershed.

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Describe the possible path water takes in an individual watershed?

All the water in a watershed runs to the lowest point.

What is a watershed and how is it involved in the water cycle?

A River.additional. strictly speaking, a watershed is the series of ridgelines separating different catchment areas. Often watershed is used when catchment should be.