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Q: Is water pollution reversible
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This is a reversible process.

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Is mixing salt and water a reversible or irreversible?

It is reversible. You can allow the water to evaporate, leaving the salt behind.

Why is dissolving sugar in water a reversible change?

It’s reversible

Why is freezing water a reversible change?

Freezing water is reversible because you can get it back to its original state by melting it - it turns back into water.

What is a reversible solution?

Two reversible solutions are 1) Ice AND 2) Water

How is putting sugar in water a reversible change?

It is reversible because you can boil away the water and it will leave behind the sugar.

Is water changing to water vapour a reversible or irreversible change?

It is reversible . Water vapour can condense and become liquid. Evaporation and condensation are phases in the water cycle

Acid base yields salt water is an example of a?

Reversible Reaction

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