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No, the wattage measures only the power the bulb consumes.

There are many factors that affect the life of a lightbulb, from its construction to manufacturing process to environmental, etc.

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Q: Is watts the measurement of a life cycle of a light bulb?
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Is a watt a light bulb?

A 60 watt light bulb is a light bulb with 60 watts capacity. When talking about watts, you're talking about the power that is transferred from the appliance to the accessories. Therefore, the light bulb labeled "60 watts" takes 60 watts to light up. A 60 watt light bulb will not be as bright as a 120 watt light bulb.

Is Watts light bulb OK for weed plant?

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What is the power of light bulb mesured in?

a light bulb is measured in watts

What is 60w light bulb?

a normal incandescent 60 watt light bulb uses 60 watts of electricity to produce 20 watts worth of light, and 40 watts worth of heat. It is more of a heat bulb than a light bulb. it is great if you can capitalise on the free heat, but if it is not cold in your house, turn it off. is there a better bulb? no. why are they ideal? cheap (as low as 10 cents for the el cheapos), never change shape/design/size/compatability, make pleasant light I could go on for an hour, but the best bulb is the cheapest.

What is the unit of a light bulb?

The power a light bulb consumes is measured in watts. Light output is often described in terms of watts, as wattage was the only measurement distinguishing different light bulbs in the years before CFL bulbs were commonplace.Light output may also be described in 'candlepower', although this unit of measurement is obsolete and was replaced by the 'candela' in 1948. 'Lumens' are the standard of light measurement in terms of what the human eye can perceive, and you may see these on light bulb packaging occasionally as well.Incandescent light bulbs are generally measured in watts, indicating the power consumed by the bulb.The amount of light of light produced is measured in lumens. Fluorescent bulbs produce more lumens per watt than incandescent. LED lights produce more lumens per watt than florescents.Watts.Watts

Which light bulb has fewer watts?


What are 5 things you might find in a house that is measured in watts and what is the number of watts in it?

light bulb, microwave, telephone, tv, florescent light bulb

What is the power of light bulb measured in?

the unit which are measured for power of lights are watts....

How many watts does 5ohms means?

Ohms is the amount of resistances a wire or light bulb has. Like water flowing through a garden hose runs against the residents of the nozzle. Watts is the measurement of energy that a devise uses like a 100 watt light bulb, or a 1200 watt hair dryer

Does a 100 watts light bulb have 100 watts or does it use 100 watts when lit?

Use 100 watts

How much does a light bulb change the temperature of a room?

Very little, but it is noticeable, with a bright light in a small room. A light bulb puts out between 9 watts (energy-saving fluorescent light bulb) to approximately 100 watts (bright incandescent light bulb). Your average bar-heater, for comparison, puts out about between 1200-2400 watts.

The power of a light bulb is measuerd in?

Light bulbs are rated in watts