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Q: Is wearing hat backwards gang sign?
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What is wearing you hat backwards mean?

It meens you are sosososo GAY

What does wearing a hat to the right mean?

wearing your hat to various sides means many things. a side means you are gay, another that you are part of a gang and the gay side could also mean that you are in another gang,same with piercing your ears.

How do you spell HAT backwards?

The word "hat" backwards is "tah" and has no real significance.

Cultural awareness can be communicated in the wearing of a hat because?

The tilting of ones hat can be for comfort or representing a gang. The way the brim points on the head indicates the rep of where the gang is from. Example: Tilted to the right reps the east, or diagonally forward and right is north east and so on and so forth.

In which film is Fred Astaire wearing top hat and tails?

The film in which Fred Astaire is wearing a top hat and tails is "Top Hat".

What type of hat was Crockett famous for wearing?

Raccoon hat

What do you do with the red Mario hat in Nintendogs?

Your pet can wear it and go around town wearing the hat. Your pet can wear it and go around town wearing the hat.

Why are caps not allowed at school?

I'm assuming you are talking about baseball caps, the main reason is gang affiliation. While wearing a Pittsburg Pirates hat may seem harmless, their colors are Black and Gold....which are gang colors. Same goes for any team who's colors are black and red or blue. The list of gang colors and combinations are endless. With that being said, obviously not everyone who wears a hat is a gang member, which is why most schools ban them. They don't want someone to be wearing their favorite team's hat (or jersey's in most schools) and accidentally be mistaken as a gang member and be harmed. So basically they do it for your protection. One other reason is that now days most schools have video cameras to record any issues, especially violence. If someone, or a group of people are beating up another individual or destroying school property, they want to be able to identify them, if those kids were wearing hats this would be a lot harder to do.

What does wearing your hat to the right mean?

Wearing a hat tilted to the right can be a fashion choice or a way to signal membership in a particular group or subculture. It is often associated with hip-hop culture and can convey a sense of confidence, style, or rebelliousness.

What is Caroline wearing today?

Caroline is wearing A preety sweatshirt and a santa hat

How do you put up the tour sign on club penguin?

To put up your tour guide sign, you just have your penguin wave. To do this, you go into actions and click the picture of the waving penguin. Your penguin has to be wearing the tour guide hat for this to work. If it still won't work, try refreshing the site a few times. You have to be wearing only your tour guide hat though. I no got me down 2.

Does wearing a hat cause baldness?
