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Now, Wordpress is the most popular CMS. So, I think it is better than Webs.

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Q: Is webs better than wordpress
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Wordpress is best platform in the world because it has many features like -> Optimised SEO -> Easy to use -> largest platform used in the world Answer: I think wordpress is better because of following reasons: a) Wordpress has better interface b) Best for single person or gropu blog. c) Customized and user friendly. d) WordPress has an edge in editor usability. e) If you want blog driven website, wordpress is solution. f) Simple and easy to use.

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Joomla, or even phpBB or WordPress would be even better

Which CMS offers better customization Joomla or Wordpress?

This question really depends on what you are wanting to do. But for the most part wordpress may be the easiest cms to customize and change around to do what you want. Between plugins and theme customizations it may be the better option.