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Q: Is weighted silk a good conductor of heat?
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Is a glass rod a conductor or insulator?

Previous answer: Insulator because particles cannot pass through glass. Correct answer: A glass rod is a good conductor because electrons are able to move freely within its region according to the law of conservation of charges. If you have done an experiment about it, you will find out that when you rub a glass rod with silk, a glass rod will be come positively charge, and this means that the electrons get transferred away to other objects, leaving that glass rod a deficit of electrons. This theory is based on the law of electrostatics.

Is silk good to wear in hot weather?

No because it will fall off when you sweat.

What is the difference in the charges on a balloon rubbed in your hair and a glass rod rubbed with silk?

Both are examples of static electricity generation. The big difference is the way the electricity is generated.

Is linen a good conductor of electricity?

Linen fibers are quite good conductors of heat, but when they are spun into threads and woven into fabric, they effective thermal conductivity is considerably decreased due to the added air space between the threads. Even under these conditions it has better thermal conductivity than some other clothing materials such as wool and silk. The tightness of the weave is a big factor in how well it conducts heat - the tighter the weave, the better the conductivity. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that linen is popular for clothing in very hot environments.

Why are silk clothes preferred over cotton clothes in winter?

I personally would have thought that cotton clothes would be preferred, as they lock in the heat and keep the person warm, silk clothes look and feel nice, but do not provide as much warmth as cotton clothing would.

Related questions

Is silk is light or heavy?

Its a light weighted material

Is silk threads good conductors of electricity?

Silk is an insulator, not a conductor. An insulator is something that does not allow electrical current to flow freely.

Is a SILK a good conductors?

No, (wikipedia)and Benjamin Franklin actually hold a piece of silk in hand in the famous experiment of lightning

Is cloth a good conductor of electricity?

No cloth is not a conductor of electricity .It is an insulainsulator

Why is silk so popular?

Silk is popular because it is soft and keeps the heat in when you wear it

What happens when silk is near heat?

Silk reacts to heat the same way any other natural fibre reacts: too close equals flame.

What are the characteristics of silk?

Silk is a very flexible material, it is light in weight and silk is more heat resistance than any other material.

Is silk thermoplastic?

No. Wool is not a thermoplastic fiber because when exposed to heat, it does not melt and change.

What are good properties of silk?

a caccoon of a silk worm

Does sun silk have a heat activated shampoo and conditioner?

No, it doesn't

How good are silk throw pillows?


If rubber is a good insulator why do balloons attract static electricity?

Insulators can easily have static electricity. In case of conductors we have to follow some delicate procedure to store charges on it. Usually that is known to be electrostatic induction. But in case of insulators just rubbing would do to produce static electricity. Example: when a glass rod is rubbed against a silk cloth, then glass lose electrons to the silk and so glass becomes positively charged and silk negatively charged. So balloons being a bad conductor is good example to have static electricity. If it is good conductor then charges would flow through them easily and so not possible to produce static electricity just by rubbing.