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Q: Is womens discharge is harmful for mouth?
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Can a man pee in a womens mouth?

if she wants you too, then go for it! Some like it, and some don't. Pee is not harmful.

What is the white liquid in womens vagina?

It could be discharge from a yeast infection.

Where does a stream typically have its greater discharge?

At its mouth

Harmful effects on lead acid batteries?

Mainly, I heard that it is harmful for the batteries if you allow them to discharge completely.

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What is the main cause pollution in the world?

litering of course and the discharge of harmful substances

What is the definition of stream discharge?

stream discharge is the amount of water flowing through a space OR increases between its source or mouth

Where do harmful bacteria usally live?

Mouth. Feet.

How do the gradient and discharge of a stream change from its headwaters to its mouth?

The discharge for a single stream should not change much from the headwater to the mouth. The exceptions to the mouth would be if another stream joined the main stream, which would increase the discharge or if you loose a significant amount of water to infilitration, which would decrease the discharge. The gradient should be high at the headwaters and gradually decrease downstream where it should be low at the mouth. Of course differences in lithologies or secondary streams can change the gradient for a short distance, thought the overall profile should fit the expected model.

Can you drink womens milk?

YES, you can .Just put your mouth to their boobs and start sucking very hard

How harmful is it to smoke 2 ciggerates a day?

it is really very harmful . it can result in mouth cancer and makes you totally impotent .

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