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Not really, I usually ge it in the morning, or when I haven't eaten anything yet.

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Q: Is yellow urine A danger sign?
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Is it danger for my health the yellow urine?

Drink more water

Is a sign of HIV smelly urine?

No; smelly urine is caused by dehydration, as is the yellow color

Why the red color light is used as sign of danger and not the yellow?

Danger can result in bleeding, and blood is red in color. Yellow has no such associations; it is associated with sunshine and buttercups.

Is bright yellow urine from a dog a bad sign?

Urine coller depends on how hydrated the person or dog is.(the brighter the more dehydrated)

What does a blank yellow street sign mean?

A black and yellow striped road sign alerts you to a hazard. It means that there is a danger close to the road up ahead. You should be careful and alert when proceeding.

Would cyst on kidney cause yellow urine?

urine is normally yellow.

Why is urine yellow Why is urine clear Which is better?

Urine is yellow due to the presence of a pigment called urobilin. When urine is dilute,its colour becomes light due to the abundance of water. Dark yellow urine shows that the urine is concentrated which is because of dehydration.

Why your sons urine yellow?

your son's urine is yellow because he doesn't drink much water.

What vitamin makes your urine bright yellow?

Vitamins may make your urine yellow due to the amount of nutrients that were flushed out. When vitamins and minerals are not used, they are flushed out through the urine. However, I find that if I drink more, my urine is no longer bright yellow. Yellow urine is a sign of dehydration, and you may need more fluids to properly absorb your vitamins. Try drinking some more spring water each day.

What color does turtles urine?

Turtle urine in a very light yellow. The brighter the color, the healthier the turtle. If your turtle's urine appears to be clear, you may want to try some supplements or a visit to the vet as clear urine is a tell tale sign that your turtle may be sick.

Is oily urine a sign of pregnancy?

yes. the oily and dark urine is sign of pregency.

Your urine has gone from a pale yellow to a darker shade of yellow what does this mean?

If you have a pale yellow urine to a darker shade means that you are well hydrated to less hydrated when urine becomes concentrated.