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According to the department of public health, mayonaise is not a useful tool for killing head lice. It doesn't shampoo out fully and will spoil in your hair. You should use olive oil. Olive oil will suffocate the lice, not spoil in your hair, and wash out thoroughly.

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Why would you apply Mayo for head lice? Use an over the counter head lice treatment, and follow the instructions.

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When do you put the mayo in the hair when you have lice?

Yes. More than enough. As long as you were thourough with applying the mayo - that's plenty of time.

Why do people put mayo in their hair?

Some people believe that mayonnaise can help nourish and condition hair due to its high-fat content. The oil and eggs in mayonnaise are thought to moisturize and add shine to hair, though scientific evidence is lacking.

Does tomato sauce help get rid of head lice?

yes.. so can mayo or hair dye !

What other iteams at home that will kill head lice?

Mayo will work

What is a head lice treament?

Well, i know that it really sounds gross, but one thing to do is to put mayo all over the head and then cover it with plastic wrap to suffocate all the lice, another is to wash hair in eggs (which is again very gross but it will REALLY work:)

What does lice do to your head?

Head lice is a very common infestation. Head lice is more common for ages 3-12. Head lice causes irritation to your head when they bite to drink blood from your head to get nutrition. The irritation can cause itchiness to the scalp, and the irritation can cause infections from itching your scalp so much. if you have Head lice, treat it right away. Go to a store store and get an over the counter product. Use a lice nit comb--a narrow tooth comb, to comb through section by section. Note: You may need to repeat the treatment. If it doesn't work, get out the mayo, and rub the mayo thoroughly in all of the places on your scalp. Rub extra behind the ears and at the neck because lice like warm places. After rubbing mayo, leave it in several hours, then comb out the eggs. Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water, then wash.Note: You MUST wash all bedding, hats, etc. at the same time. Use the hottest water possible given the type of fabric. Dry in the dryer on the hottest setting, depending on type of fabric.

What is best way to get rid of lice?

The best way for me was mayo... put it in your hair your hair MUST be dry and leave it in you're hair for an hour and a half and then take it out with really hot water and then comb your hair with a lice comb (you can get them at drugstores) do this for the next 2-3 days until the lice is gone. good luck

How can you get rid of head lice?

ok u can put mayo/manaise on ur hair (trustnme my mom had to do it to my little sis trista)Go to wallgreens and buy the * Stop Lice Complete Lice Treatment Kit* I had A really bad case of lice and i got rid of it COMPLETELY in 1 1/2 hours. It comes with shapoo, a comb, conditioner, instructions for use, ect...

How do you use mayo to kill head lice?

you rub it on the scalp and let it sit for 10 min and then wash it off and apply the shampoo

Homemade remedies to get rid of lice?

Shampoo then condition ,leave on and comb through with nit comb, the comb will slide over the hair with the conditioner acting as a lubricant and the nits will slide off the single strands of hair voila!

How do you get rid of a huge case of lice?

I have had lice before and it was not easy getting rid of it. Comb your hair alot with a special comb for getting lice out, you could try sleeping with mayo in your hair with aluminum foil surrounding it. Lice doesn't like greese and it might suffocate them. I tried that when i had lice, afterwards wash your hair with vinegar. And remember using the lice products at the store cant hurt. One more thing to try, is putting lavander in your bath a friend of mine told me all the lice run to the top of your head when you dunk your head in the water. Then have someone pick them out. As far as the nits go (eggs) have someone comb all of them out.Answer There are plenty of good products available from your local pharmacy. Modern day products are more than effective and are not overly expensive. If your unsure ask your pharmacist who will be more than happy to suggest the appropriate product for your needs.

How long do you keep mayo in your hair?

If you have lice go to your local store and get real mayonnaise. You will put this in your hair. This will smother the lice bugs, nits, and eggs. Find a plastic bag or shower cap to put over your hair after you put on the mayo in your hair. My doctor said to keep this in for at least six hours. After six hours take a shower and scrub really hard to get the dead bugs, nits, and eggs out. This will also work with olive oil. But, I prefer mayonnaise.