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Handling or touching your penis, or masturbating, cannot affect its size.

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Q: Is your penis increase when your penis size become small because of handling?
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Viagra will increase blood flow to the penis, thus causing it to become erect.

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Does EMS increase the size of your penis?

I believe you are asking if EMS (electronic muscle stimulators) increase the size of your penis. First of all, EMS is designed to stimulate muscles and strengthen them. There is no muscle in the penis, and EMS devices are very strong because they are designed for muscle exercise. It would be very rough on your penis. If you did use it, it would not increase the size of your penis although it might feel like electrosex.

I am 32 a years old my penis is 5.0 cm can you increase Penis Size?

you can increase it by getting bjs

Why is it necessary for the penis to become engorged with blood?

This is necessary because it makes it easier for the penis to be inserted into a female vagina during sexual intercourse.

How big a weight is needed to increase the size of the penis?

Weights are not proven to increase penis size, and in fact it could be dangerous or harmful if you try hanging anything from your penis.

Can you increase your penis size by eating bananas?

No. nothing you eat,drink, smoke, put on it or do is going to increase penis size. We get what we get and live with it.

Why does the penis ereced?

When you become sexually aroused, your penis fills with blood, making it big or erect

How does the penis pump increase the size of your penis?

It doesnt. its to just give you pleasure