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no its just drips of blood that come out of a womens vagina - but the sensation that it is gushing is not uncommon

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Q: Is your period suppose to feel like its gushing out?
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When you are on your period does it feel like you have peed on yourself?

Not really. There are time if not using a tampon that if you cough or laugh or stand from sitting it can feel like its streaming out but you will be having a heavy period for this to happen, so in a way, like a peeing feeling but not from the area where pee comes from. If you go through this and dont want to use a pad a tampon will help in not feeling this gushing feeling.

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That is a period.

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If you feel like vomiting after the last day of you period, you may just have a virus. There should be no reason to vomit just over your period.

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How would you describe the sound of running water to someone who is deaf?

let them feel it. depending on what the water is running from... a slow drip from a sink, a small water fall, a gushing and rushing water fall, a shower...the sounds vary. but for a slow drip from a sink i would say in dots. like plunk plunk plunk. for the rushing and gushing water im out of ideas.

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Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

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It is different for everyone, some people feel nothing at all.

When you get your first period does it feel like your peeing?

It does not. You can't really tell unless you're trying to feel it.

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Why do you feel stressed when you draw and very lazy like you wanted to draw but no longer have patience to even lay the pencil down on the paper.?

I suppose because sometimes -with me- it feels like I want to draw so badly so I can improve, then when I get to it, I feel a little worried that it won't live up to my standards. So I suppose I make myself feel like that so I will feel okay going on the computer or watching TV, so I won't have to dissapoint myself.