

Is your pulse slower the faster your heart beats?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, your pulse spikes every time your heart beats. So your pulse is basically the same as your heartbeat. If your heart beats faster, your pulse is faster.

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Q: Is your pulse slower the faster your heart beats?
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Is it true or false that the faster your heartbeats the slower your pulse will be?

That is false. Your pulse is a measure of your heart rate. The faster your heart beats, the higher (faster) your pulse will be.

What determines how fast your heart beats?

A harder or faster pulse.

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What can cause weak pulse?

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Why does it take a while before your pulse rate is normal after an activity?

Because our body needs more energy to consume of, so our pulse beats slower if we had normal activities; if we do strenuous activities, it beats faster and the heart will pump more blood to supply it.

Why does your pulse go up after exercise?

Because your heart beats faster when you exercise.

Explain why pulse rate went up during a race?

because your heart beats faster

Why do you have a pulse rate?

We have a pulse because every time the heart beats, it makes a pulse. So when you can't feel your pulse it means your heart has stopped beating.

Why does your pulse increase during exercise?

your heart beats faster in order to pump oxygenated bloodcells to all of your organs.

What is bradiacardia?

Bradycardia is when the heart beats a little slower than normal, resulting in a low pulse rate. It is kind of the opposite of tachycardia, where the heartbeat and pulse are more rapid than "normal".

When you count pulse beats do you also count heart beats?

yes it does

What does the pulse measure?

The number of times your heart beats in a minute, the heart rate.