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Q: Isotope of hydrogen with one neutron?
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Tritiated hydrogen differs from hydrogen in that?

Tritium is an isotope of Hydrogen. It still has one proton, but it also has two neutrons. Deuterium is also an isotope of Hydrogen. It has one neutron.

What is the second isotope of hydrogen?

The second isotope of hydrogen is deuterium, also known as hydrogen-2. It has one proton and one neutron in its nucleus, unlike the common isotope of hydrogen, which has no neutrons.

What is the number of neutron in one atom of hydrogen?

Hydrogen does not have any neutrons unless it is the isotope deuterium ( 1 neutron) or tritium (2 neutrons)

Deuterium is an element with one proton and one neutron Deuterium is called a an?

An isotope of Hydrogen Apex:)

How many protons neutrons does hydrogen have?

Normal Hydrogen has one proton. The isotope of Hydrogen called Deuterium has one proton and one neutron. The Isotope of hydrogen called Tritium has one proton and two neutrons. All isotopes of hydrogen have one electron.

Why do scientists consider hydrogen unique?

The hydrogen isotope H-1 has only one proton and any neutron.

Which element have no neutrons in its atom?

The most common isotope of Hydrogen lacks a neutron in its nucleus. But there is an isotope, called deuterium, that has one neutron. Additionally, there is a hydrogen isotope that is artificially created that has two neutrons in its nucleus. It is called tritium. A link to the Wikipedia article on the isotopes of hydrogen is provided.

How many protons electrons neutrons does hydrogen have?

Normal Hydrogen has one proton. The isotope of Hydrogen called Deuterium has one proton and one neutron. The Isotope of hydrogen called Tritium has one proton and two neutrons. All isotopes of hydrogen have one electron.

What is deuterium?

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that has one neutron (hydrogen has zero) in the nucleus.See the Web Links to the left for more information.

What is a isotope for hydrogen?

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen. It has one proton and one neutron in its nucleus, compared to regular hydrogen which has only one proton. Deuterium is slightly heavier than regular hydrogen and is often used in laboratory experiments and as a tracer in scientific studies.

Which atom do not contain neutron?

Hydrogen is an atom that does not contain a neutron. It consists of only one proton in its nucleus and no neutrons.

What is hydrogen called when a neutron is added?

Hydrogen-2. That is hydrogen isotope 2. It is commonly called deuterium.