

Best Answer

Israel was formed from part of the British Mandate of Palestine, which Britain had

administered since it was taken over from the crumbling Ottoman Empire early in

the 20th Century. The lands of the Mandate had never been a "country" in modern

times. The territory was partitioned by the United Nations, with the larger part

designated to be added to Egypt and to what is now Jordan, and the smaller part

designated for Jewish administration.
Israel was formed from part of the British Mandate of Palestine, which Britain had

administered since it was taken over from the crumbling Ottoman Empire early in

the 20th Century. The lands of the Mandate had never been a "country" in modern

times. The territory was partitioned by the United Nations, with the larger part

designated to be added to Egypt and to what is now Jordan, and the smaller part

designated for Jewish administration.

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Q: Israel was formed from part of which country?
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