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Q: It is fair that Watson and Crick were credited with the discovery when so many other scientists were involved?
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It is fair that Watson and crick were credited with the discovery when so many scientists were involved?


Is it fair that Watson and crick it were credited with discovery when so many other scientist were involved?


It's fair that Watson and crick were credited with the discovery when so many other scientist were involved?


The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA are?

Watson and Crick

Who is credited for the discovery of the DNA structure?

James Watson, and Francis Crick

Who are the scientists credited with discovering DNA?

James Watson and Francis Crick....

Who where all the scientists who are and should be credited for the discovery of DNA?

The double helical structure of DNA was found by James Watson and Francis Crick, hence the name "Watson And Crick Model" of DNA.howeverDNA was first identified and isolated by Friedrich Meischer.

Watson and Crick are credited with what discovery?

Watson and Crick and credited with discovering the structure of DNA. They mapped out how the bases pair up. Adenine bonds with thymine, and cytosine with guanine.

Who scientists are primarily responsible for the discovery of the structure of DNA?

The double helical structure was discovered by Watson & Crick.

Who were the 2 scientists that received noble prizes for discovering that DNA had double helix structure?

Watson and Crick ---- James Watson and Francis Crick won the 1962 prize for Medecine for this discovery.

Who was responsible for the discovery of DNA as a double helix?

Scientists by the name of James Watson and Francis Crick discovered DNA to be in the form of a double helix.

Who were the 2 scientist responsible for discovering DNA structure?

There were a number of scientists, but when people talk about "the two" they usually mean Francis Crick and James Watson. They, with Maurice Wilkins, received a Nobel Prize for their work.Although a number of noted scientists played a part in the discovery.