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Sure. Side effects may be weight gain if done habitually, but there should not be any problem.

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Q: It is ok to have a snack if you are not hungry?
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Getting yourself a snack when you are hungry is an examples of?

Getting yourself a snack when you are hungry is considered by nutritionists as an example of unhealthy eating. It is recommended to always have a balanced diet.

What happens to the island?

Someone got hungry and had a snack.

What is the appropriate time to wait between meals?

Typically, the appropriate time to wait between meals is approximately five hours. However, if you are feeling hungry before your next meal time, it is OK to snack on a healthy snack like fruits, veggies, or nuts.

What happened to the Sandwich Islands?

Someone got hungry and had a snack.

What do we call a small amount of food you eat if you are hungry between meals?

a snack

When Getting yourself a snack when you are hungry is an example of which of theses?

*A+*it's the response to stimuli.

If you eat a piece of cake for a snack will you get hungrier even more?

yes, you should never bake a cake when your hungry because it makes you more hungry and you get fat!!!

Why do you snack?

If you are looking for many recipes without getting bored, these recipes are delicious and have multiple choices Take a look then you will thank me:

What is an example sentence with insubstantial in it?

I was hungry because I had not eaten a meal in 10 hours, only an insubstantial snack.

How do you keep stomaches from hungry during class?

Eat somthing..initially a breakfast would do the trick then having a light snack between classes which should take the "hungry" away during class Eat somthing..initially a breakfast would do the trick then having a light snack between classes which should take the "hungry" away during class

Is it ok if you are 8 weeks pregnant and you are hungry right after eating?

Yes it is very normal to be hungry right after you eat,

What are some attention getting phrases that your would use to get someone to buy you snack?

you could say, "hey are you hungry?"