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Q: It is ok to help advance the interest of a friend as long as you are not in a position of authority?
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What should you do if you really like a girl but she has a boyfriend?

Feel happy for her (assuming she's happy) and revel in the feeling of liking someone. Be her friend if you're in a position to do so. If/when her relationship ends, if you're still in a position to advance your relationship with her, do so (but carefully).

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Fraud is a crime of deception, you pretend to be something you are copying someone's signature on a document. Corruption relates to taking advantage of your position of authority - taking money to do something for someone (or as a favour to a friend or relative ) AND paying someone in authority to do something for you.

Why does your best friend go with Justin?

It seems they have interest in them.

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How can you make a girl have interest in you?

You can wink at her, give her compliments, get to know her first. Be her friend and then you can see if she has mutual interest in you.

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interest my friend

How does it make silky bob feel when he finds out his old friend is a police officer?

Silky Bob would likely feel a mixture of surprise and caution upon finding out that his old friend is a police officer. He may feel conflicted about their past relationship and question their current interactions knowing that his friend is in a position of authority. This revelation could potentially strain their friendship as Silky Bob navigates the implications of his friend's profession.

How be a good friend?

Listen. Always support. Never judge. You must tell someone in authority if your friend is in danger, or are danger to themselves.

Are companies that offer payday advances legal?

Payday loan advance companies are not illegal they just have a shady reputation because the interest rate on a small amount of money is much higher than a bank.If you can't borrow from a friend or a bank this might be your only choice.

When a women says she wants to be friend?

That simply means she likes your company and wants to be your friend and has no interest for anything more.

How do you make the guy you like be you're best friend?

Have a common interest with him.

How can an interest group participate in the legal process without being a party in the suit?

They can be advisers to the lawsuit litigants. If they have appropriate standing, they may also enter the suit as intervenors. Most commonly, however, interest groups wait until a case is on appeal, and file "Amicus Curie" or friend of the court briefs, stating their position.