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Q: It is right to serve Halah food in schools?
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Are there any schools that serve Taco Bell?

Some colleges have fast food sites on campus. But public schools and high schools have to follow federal guidelines in what they serve and have to have one serving for each food group in the food they produce and serve.

How many schools serve healthy food?

NONE! All schools serve pre-packaged foods. And very high calorie foods too.

Do you serve food from left or right hand?

Right hand is generally the side you serve from in a restaurant setting

Do private schools only get fresh food?

All schools (public and private) are required to serve fresh food to students. No leftovers may be given to students to eat at school.

What food are served in Chembakolli schools?

They serve the most delicious ranges of food I have ever tasted. don't worry you or your kid will love it here

What shoulder do you serve over when waiting tables?

If the food has already been plated you serve over the right shoulder. If you are serving food onto a plate you serve over the left shoulder.

What is the importance of studying food and nutrition?

so that we can make, cook and prepare and serve the right type of food that we can get the right type of nutreints

Is Mcdonalds healthier then school food?

School food is generally healthier. Now that obesity and healthy eating is in the spotlight, many schools have dietary guidelines to meet for the food they serve.

Why do you have to serve food right after cooking?

because otherwise it would go cold!!

In American service'Does the server serve the food at the right?

according to what I've learned from my professor... food is served at the left side of the guest... beverage at the right...

Should schools serve fast food?

No schools should not serve fast food. Kids are influenced enought in the daily life to eat it. schools are the places where children should learn how to have a good life, where they learn about life outside of the aknowlegment. Of course they have to be educated for their parents but school , either parents want or not , is the place were children spend most of their time and therefore they have to give a good imagen .

What food do they serve in Australian schools?

Australian schools do not have cafeterias the way many American schools do. Australian schools have "tuckshops" where students may buy hot or cold food, but they are not cafeteria-style, with indoor eating areas. They are usually in the style of outdoor kiosks, sometimes with outdoor tables, but just as often without these facilities. Fast food and healthy foods may be purchased from tuckshops.