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i posted this i just didnt have enough room to explain. when i was seven i thougth to my self "i have never seen a boat accdent and that same day i got hit by a boat on a jet ski. when i was 13 i said to myself i wounder what the inside of an ambulance looks like sence i got hit by the boat that day i was in an ambulance cause i got hit by a motor cycle at riverside raceway. when i was 16 i was sitting next to my frined wich had a broken leg in pe (physical education) and we were laughing cause my PE teacher was bitching at me for not playing i said tomy friend "watch im going to break my leg today" and lonebe told i did!!! also when i say to my self im going to get sick i get sick. and i also had a freind where we could talk to each other and not say a word like telicanisis. i would here him ask me a question but he wasent talking, i would answer out loud just to see if i was crazy and we freaked out! he waould say to me "did you here that" !!?? haha idk i just need to know whats going on i feel like im somthing special and i know that's not right. im truly not. everyone calls me a genious though. lmao i know this sounds crazy but look at computers in the 16 hundreds if you said there would be somthing you could hold in your hand that played music and could hold 1000 or more songs on they would probably put you in jail and murder you thinking you were crazy.. anything could happen today it seems like. this probably will sound wierd but when i was 6 i remember this light comming to my window and taking me for a ride in the sky i told them i had to get back to make my bed befor my grandma wakes up and they take me back my grandma walks in a second after they (?????) leave and my bed was made i asked my brother what was that and he said i don't know for get about it. ever sence that night i have felt like i have somthing special and my brother has deams that come true always after he turned 13 my parents make him write them down in the morning at breakfast and that ALWAYS cometrue. wierd!!!!!!!! I NEED ANSWERS PLEASE IM SO CONFUSED!!!


Some people live by the saying 'be careful what you wish for, because it might just come true.'

You may have gifts of intuition. I don't think its exactly that you are 'cursing' yourself to have those things happen, but it might be instead you are foreseeing that a certain event might take place. And instead you perceive it as a curiosity 'I have never seen a boating accident', when your spirit guides might have been trying to warn you 'there will be a boating accident'.

Spirit Guides are spirits, energies, or entities. Some people refer to them as Angels (Guardian Angels), Saints, Loa, or Gods. Everyone has them, its just that some people are more in tune with them than others.

Keep a diary of these accounts, write down exact times and dates of when they happen; and what happens if your intuitions come true. It may help you to better understand them. Don't be afraid of it, do your best to embrace it and try to read up on things like foresight, psychic intuition, and spirit guides.

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Q: Its so weird. when i think somthing is going to happens it happens for instance when i was seven i thought to my self i have never seen a boat acdent and that day i got hit by a boat on a jetski?
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You have no fault insurance but am travling in states with fault what happens if there is an acdent?

You may wish to read your policy but all I have ever seen state that their policy will convert to the greater of the limits on your policy or the minimum required in any other state you drive into. There are different forms of no fault and fault policies depending on your state requirements, but you can feel sure that your policy will at least meet the minimum requirements of any state you travel into.