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The basis is: you want the name for 115 at. the following letters are used to depict no.'s

1----> un

5----> pent


as you want it for the element with no's 1..1...and 5..

2 times one and 1 time five with the suffix makes it UN+UN+PENT+IUM=UNUNPENTIUM

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Q: Iupac nomenclature of atomic number 115?
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What is the atomic number of ununpentium?

Ununpentium, with the chemical symbol Uup, has the atomic number 115.

What is the atomic number of isitope In-115?

From the periodic table, indium, In, has an atomic number of 49. Indium's atomic number is always 49, regardless of any isotopes.

What is the atomic number of unnilpentium?

Ununpentium has 115 protons in the nucleus.

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Indium, atomic number 49, so 49 Protons. Atomic mass 115, so 115-49 = 66 Neutrons.

What is the origin of the name of ununpentium?

Ununpentium is a provisional name for the artificial radioactive element with the atomic number 115.The names of new chemical elements is regulated by IUPAC rules, seePure Appl. Chem., Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 787--791, 2002.The word is composed from:un=1, un=1, pentium=5; derived from the Latin language.

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It is the atomic number for the element, Ununpentium. In zombies the purple substance that is seen in the teleporters is thought to be it.

What does element 115 look like?

Firstly, I assume that this question mentions about the element in the periodic table which has the atomic number of 115. Let us discuss about the atomic structure at first. Basically, this type of atoms must have 115 protons, 115 electrons. According to the tendency of the increase in the number of neutrons in the nucleus, with the atomic number, this element should contain at least 150 neutrons. Additionally, as the atomic number of this element exceeds 84, it must be radioactive and unstable in the nature. Hence, it would not occur naturally even as compounds. So when needed it has to be synthesised using lighter atoms with nuclear fissions.

What is the name of a atomic number of 49 and a mass number of 115?

That element is Indium (In) and it's not a commonly encountered element in chemistry.

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Indium have:protons = 49neutrons = 66electrons = 49to know how to get the protons, electrons and neutrons:protons = atomic number of the elementelectrons = protons or atomic number of the elementneutrons = mass number-atomic number

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This an isotope of osmium, osmium-191. The symbol is 19176Os.

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The last metal in the periodic table that is available in nature is uranium with atomic number 92.The newly discovered element, that doesn't have an official name yet, so scientists are calling it ununpentium, based on the Latin and Greek words for its atomic number, is having atomic number 115. The man-made 115 was first created by Russian scientists in Dubna about ten years ago.